All businesses are different, and not just because of the products or services they offer. Some companies work with the public while others are only business to business. Some commercial enterprises work with potentially dangerous materials or in potentially dangerous environments while others are at stationed behind desks. 


NEwfoundland and Labrador commercial UMBRELLA INSURANCE

Can you afford a large claim made against your business?

Under certain circumstances, liability claims against your business may require you to pay out of pocket for legal fees, medical bills, and other damages. Consult with a Rock Insurance Brokers insurance specialist to add an extra layer of essential protection to your existing liability coverage in case damage claims exceed the limits of an existing primary policy.

Depending on the specific situation of your company you may require more than what the standard liability insurance offers.

Your standard liability insurance protects you and your business against certain types of loss but may not provide sufficient coverage in the event of a lawsuit or if your business is faced with overwhelming cost claims.

Rock Insurance Brokers in Newfoundland & Labrador provides commercial umbrella insurance that offers additional protection and coverage to pick up where your standard liability policy finishes off.

Commercial umbrella coverage from rock insurance brokers protects your business assets from:

Slip and fall accident on your commercial property that causes a serious injury

Liability claims due to negligence or misrepresentation in the course of advertising or providing services

Significant damage or injury caused as a result of an error

Offers expanded auto and property coverage not included in your primary policy

No two businesses are alike. From a beauty salon to an auto body shop, each commercial enterprise has different insurance needs. Many business owners remain unaware of the financial consequences involved if faced with a significant legal claim and most have even less time to study all of their insurance options. To learn how specific commercial umbrella coverages can affect and protect your business in Newfoundland & Labrador, contact an experienced Rock Insurance Brokers agent to discuss your options for the financial protection you need.

Customizing Your Commercial Umbrella Policy

Call us for a free consultation and quote and see all the options that are open to you.

We look forward to working with you to help your business secure its future, whatever may come.


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